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John Bustin, of the Austin American-Statesman, chats with Jim Maloy at the 60th anniversary of the IATSE. Other people are mingling in the background.


Three Bhutanese/Nepalese men working in a large warehouse store stocking shelves, circa 2010. They wear blue shirts with the GAMA (Greater Austin Merchants Cooperative Association) logo. Another man watches them and a fifth man is visible at the end of the aisle. This image was created by Mary Kang

circa 2010

Portrait of Mr. Groos, former Land Office Commissioner


Adams, Fred W., Sr.

circa 1930

Portrait of Walter E. Davis taken outside. Mr. Davis is seen from the waist up and wears a suit coat, vest, and tie.


Isamu Taniguchi standing on a bridge


Three men in suits at a podium at a theatrical stage union event; one is shaking hands with another and one is C.A. Rowley looking at a watch he has received.


Bust portrait of a Saadi A. Ferris wearing suit, tie, and eyeglasses.

circa 1930

Portrait of Col. John F. Marshall, commander, 4th Texas Volunteer Infantry Regiment, C.S.A.; Chairman, Texas State Democratic Committee (and convention); Editor and publisher, Texas State Gazette, Austin, Texas

circa 1860

Duke Tu at Bergstrom Army Air Field (later Bergstrom Air Force Base) standing in front of the propellers of a plane.

circa 1945

Duke Tu sits on a bench while toddler-age Larry Tu stands on the bench beside him. A chain-link fence and buildings are in the background.


Two men sailing on what appears to be a lake or river.


Asian male sitting at desk. On the back it is written AF-Biography. Joe Lung and family. Lung, Sam


Four young men sitting/standing around Eliza Spring at Barton Springs.


Formal studio portrait of William Achilles, Herman Achilles, and Henry Achilles. Cabinet card format.


An officer and two men in suits with mounted officers behind them

Formal head and shoulders portrait of Walter Acker.


Informal outdoor portrait of Anthony Adair Garland. He wears a 3 piece suit with a bow tie.


Third Court of Civil Appeals


Portrait of Saadi A. Ferris. The bust portrait, matted with oval opening, shows him with a handlebar mustache and wearing a vested suit with tie.

circa 1890

Thurman Viola, Ed Miller, and Bob Bro at the IATSE 60th anniversary banquet. Ed Miller is holding a plaque and standing at the podium while shaking hands with Bob Bro who is in front of the podium.


Portrait of Saadi A. Ferris (left) and Sophia (Shipley) Ferris (right). Full body portrait shows them holding hands. Saadi Ferris wears a suit with a boutonnière on lapel. Sophia Ferris wears long sleeve, floor-length dress, adorned with frill.

Eight men stand inside of Achilles Grocery, circa 1900s. The walls are lined with shelves full of canned goods. There are baskets of fruit and a display of Sunshine Biscuits at the front of the store. Will Achilles Jackson and Richard Harrison are in the image

Governor standing in the middle of line of boy scouts


Full face portrait of Richmond Kelley Smoot, who is shown wearing eyeglasses, suit, and tie.


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