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The Austin History Center

Discover digitized items from our archival collections by browsing our Digital Collections!

Welcome to the Austin History Center’s Digital Collections

The Austin History Center’s mission is to procure, preserve, present and provide the historical records that make up Austin’s unique story.

As the local history division of the Austin Public Library, the Austin History Center provides the public with information about the history, current events, and activities of Austin and Travis County. We collect and preserve information about local governments, businesses, residents, institutions, and neighborhoods so that generations to come will have access to our history.

Use these Digital Collections to conduct directed research or just browse if you can’t make it down to our Reading Room. This website hosts only a selection of photographs from our collections. For information on doing in-person research at the Austin History Center or virtually viewing other materials, please visit our primary website.

This project is funded in part through Hotel Occupancy Tax Revenue for the Historic Preservation Fund, an initiative administered by the City of Austin Economic Development Department.

Featured photo from the Lisa Davis Photograph Collection, AR-2010-022-05-07-017


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