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A family stands around a ckreek that two children are fishing from. The children hold fishing rods with lines cast into the water; a man sits on a log and watches. Other adults also stand on the creek bank.

Group portrait during a Christmas dinner at the Carter residence. Left to Right: C.E. Carter, W.D. Craig, Sr., Mrs. W.D. Craig, Mr. Breed, Mrs. Breed, Lewis Bracey. Front row: W.D. Craig, Jr. holding Dick Carter, Dorothy Craig, and Emily Carter.

circa 1923

Mother and child wearing matching cloth face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic


Duke Tu sits on a bench while toddler-age Larry Tu stands on the bench beside him. A chain-link fence and buildings are in the background.


Portrait of Dinesh Desai and family.


Informal family portrait of Susie, David Jr., and David Sr. Huerta standing outdoors in front of a car.

circa 1956

Black and White portrait of Lorene D. Lung, Joe Lung Jr. and Sam Lung in front of a car.


Several family members are seated and standing by the fence of the home of Alpheus B. Nuckols at 1017 E. 8th Street.

circa 1900

Photographs created by Emily Murphy depicting family and home life during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Black and white portrait of Joe Lung Jr., Dora Lung and Sandra Lung standing in a yard, looking at the camera.


Larry Tu and children (Duke Tu's grandchildren?) stand around a ceramic bowl; a small boy places a yellow paper into it. They are at a mausoleum.


Color photo of Inez Lung Lee and two other relatives sitting at the table.


The E.M. House family with Mrs. House, Janet with her nurse, Mrs. Sidney A. Mezes (sister of Mrs. House), Mr. House and Mona.

circa 1890

Back reads: "Woman is Sally Elizabeth Boner. Older man in middle is Charles Wilbur Boner. Kneeling on the right is C. Paul Boner. Behind him is Robert Gowan."


Black and white portrait of Sandra Lung_Joe Lung Jr. Lorene D. Lung and Mei Ling Lung standing in the yard looking at the camera.


Pic Collage video documenting family life during the COVID-19 pandemic for the Howell family in Austin, Texas. Statistical data is also presented showing the fast spread of the coronavirus in the early months of 2020.


Black and white portrait of Lorene D. Lung and Joe Lung, Jr. standing in the yard.


Photograph of a family of African Americans standing in front of a log cabin, undated. A young girl stands in the open doorway of the cabin and looks on at the family portrait.


A snap shot of a man with a cigar in his mouth is sitting next to a woman wearing a hat.


Jenifer, Virginia, Beth and Larry Tu standing in front of a memorial wall at a mausoleum.


Group portrait of David Huerta at 20 years old with his parents, Alice Montano Huerta and Frank Huerta. They are seated on a sofa in their home at 2400 South 4th Street.

circa 1952

Group portrait of the Bickler Family. From left: Harry, Martha, Jonnie, Camillo, and Jacob Bickler.


A group of parents and small children visit the turkey coup at Pioneer Farms. Two children and parent look into the turkey coop. A white turkey is walking toward the coop. Feed covers the ground.

Mother and child wearing cloth face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic


Black and White portrait of Joe Lung Jr. held by Contact AHC woman in a convertible car.


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