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Marvin C. Griffin, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church

circa 1970

Two men baptizing a woman in a lake or river on July 3, 1938. From verso: "Frightened: There's no denying the result of immersion from the vocal standpoint on this buxom woman. She's bound for the bank after her submersion."


Priest smoking a pipe is standing in the foreground amidst a group of protestors, one holding a sign that reads "Stop Beating on People." The detrimental effects of Aqua Fest angered members of the community, so they decided to protest. Most of the protests were led by the Brown Berets. The Brown Berets were a social justice organization in the Chicano Civil Rights Movements. With the help of local priests, Paul Hernandez led the Brown Brown Berets to protest in favor of the Hispanic Community of East Austin. The purpose of these protests was to bring some peace and to put an end to the continuous damage caused by Aqua Fest. In 1977, a group of Hispanic youths pelted a truck with rocks as it left the event. The following year, Austin police used excessive force to break up a protest. Two years later, the city moved the the Festival over west of IH-35 to Auditorium Shores.

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