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View of streetcar track on West Sixth St., under deconstruction, looking east from August Ave. The final stroke of the streetcar era in Austin was struck in Sept 1942 as part of "Carload Day" to collect scrap metal for the war effort.

circa 1942

Group portrait of about 32 men and one woman (right) standing in front of a street car, with a sign on it that reads: "Austin Electric Railway." Three of the men, including at least one street car operator, stand in the trolley's open doorway.

circa 1890

Aft-facing view of streetcar interior, showing its center aisle from one-point perspective. There are seven rows of seats (14 two-seater booths, in total) with booths on each side of the aisle.

circa 1940

View of streetcar track construction, facing east on W Sixth St. The Austin Electric Railway Company was chartered on May 5 1902, taking over the Rapid Transit Railways Company. It repaired and extended rail lines, and infused new capital into the business.

circa 1902

View of Alberto Gonzalo Garcia and Eva Garcia seated around a table at a 50th wedding anniversary party at the Driskill Hotel.


Close range view of "Austin Street Railway Company" streetcar. On February 7, 1940, the city commemorated the last ride of the streetcar along the main line of Congress Avenue.


On Feb. 7, 1940, the city commemorated the last ride of the streetcar along the Congress Avenue main line. Ceremonies took place at the intersection of Sixth St. and Congress Ave., as pictured here near storefronts that include "Walk Over Bootery."


View of street car facing camera, with railroad operator seated behind its driving wheel. Another railroad operator, wearing the same uniform as the driver, is walking on the street near the back of the train and headed forward.

circa 1880

Aft-facing view of streetcar interior, showing its center aisle from one-point perspective. There are seven rows of seats (14 two-seater booths, in total) with booths on each side of the aisle.


Austin Rapid Transit Railway Company became the first operator of an electric streetcar in Austin on Feb. 26, 1891, igniting a fierce competition with the Austin City Railroad Company and their mule drawn streetcars. The two companies merged within months.


Forward-facing view of streetcar interior, showing its center aisle from one-point perspective. Four rows of booths are visible (including double facing booths) with booths on each side of the aisle.

circa 1930s

View of street car facing camera, with railroad operator seated behind its driving wheel. Another railroad operator, wearing the same uniform as the driver, is walking on the street near the back of the train and headed forward.

circa 1880

Group portrait of Dr. Salmons and Dr. Garcia with nurses at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Guanajuato, Mexico, in 1910.


Group portrait of Dr. John Harvey Kellogg and his wife Ella Eaton Kellogg at Battlecreek, Michigan in 1898. Dr. Kellogg is dressed in white, including a white top hat. Mrs. Kellogg is wearing a long dark coat.


Julie Anita (Graham) Harman (1923-1987) and husband James W. Harman (1922-1987) coming down stairs of her home in the Pease Mansion after her wedding in 1945.


Close view of Austin Street Railway Company streetcar, with exterior panel in focus, revealing a large dent near the door.

circa 1916

A snapshot of Eva Carrillo de Garcia walking down Congress Avenue.

circa 1950

When the dam broke on April 7, 1900, the flood waters crushed into the power house drowning five employees and three small boys. On verso, "My husband's cousin was motorman on this streetcar and jumped before bridge gave away, coming in from Deep Eddy."

circa 1900-04

Photo of "Austin Street Railway Company" electric streetcar, with cables attached to grip on roof. Austin Rapid Transit Railway Company was the first operator of an electric streetcar in Austin (Feb. 26, 1891), soon to merge with Austin City Railroad Co.

circa 1980

The age of the personal automobile arrived and brought with it a clear challenge to the streetcar business. Promotions for the automobile noted freedom from crowded street cars and the discomfort and delays of street car travel.

circa 1916

View of street car and railroad track on E. Sixth St. at Waller St. The street and railroad tracks in focus and foreground, the street car and nearby gathering of awaiting passengers are in the distance.

circa 1880s

The majority of the rails for the streetcars were removed and scrapped in 1940 following the services marking their last ride. As the rails were pulled, the streets were repaired to conceal the old rail lines.


Group portrait of Armadillo World Headquarters staff in December 1974. Ramsey Wiggins and Eddie Wilson are pictured along with unidentified staff.


View of the construction of a new patio at the clubhouse in Zilker Park on July 6, 1956.


View of the construction of a new patio at the clubhouse in Zilker Park on July 6, 1956.


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