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Two women are on the balcony at the Millet Opera house. They are dressed in 1890s clothing with large hats.


Portrait of Mr. Groos, former Land Office Commissioner


Adams, Fred W., Sr.

circa 1930

Dr. James M. Coleman with his wife Wilma and daughter. Dr. James M. Coleman was a Travis County physician who, in 1953, began researching the history of medical science in Travis County for his book titled, "Aesculapius on the Colorado". He died in 1960.

Portrait of Walter E. Davis taken outside. Mr. Davis is seen from the waist up and wears a suit coat, vest, and tie.


Isamu Taniguchi standing on a bridge


Note on back reads - "Donor - Hupperman estate"


Elisabet Ney (center) with Anita and Clarence Miller at the Miller Home.

circa 1895

Taken at petmecky's, 3rd and Congress, 1901. Standing L to R: Tony Blomeke, Jack Bohls, Contact AHC, Theo Bohls, Contact AHC. Middle: Hannick (?) Spillman


Bust portrait of a Saadi A. Ferris wearing suit, tie, and eyeglasses.

circa 1930

Portrait of Col. John F. Marshall, commander, 4th Texas Volunteer Infantry Regiment, C.S.A.; Chairman, Texas State Democratic Committee (and convention); Editor and publisher, Texas State Gazette, Austin, Texas

circa 1860

Portrait of city council member Betty J. Himmelblau.

circa 1970

Mrs. W.D. Craig, Sr. (Beulah Craig) standing on a sidewalk surrounded by trees.


Family of Rosa (Lozano) Garza - L to R: Rosa Della, Anna Center: Margarett Rosina (Grieder) Lazano, Eliso Lozano, Frank Bottom: Gertrude, Alfred E.


Portrait of Dinesh Desai and family.


Audray Bateman, Curator of the Austin-Travis County CollectionAustin Public Library. She wrote the Waterloo Scrapbook column in American Statesman.


Asian male sitting at desk. On the back it is written AF-Biography. Joe Lung and family. Lung, Sam


Formal studio portrait of William Achilles, Herman Achilles, and Henry Achilles. Cabinet card format.


An officer and two men in suits with mounted officers behind them

Formal head and shoulders portrait of Walter Acker.


Informal outdoor portrait of Anthony Adair Garland. He wears a 3 piece suit with a bow tie.


Portrait of Travis County Clerk Emilie Limberg.


Third Court of Civil Appeals


Portrait of Saadi A. Ferris. The bust portrait, matted with oval opening, shows him with a handlebar mustache and wearing a vested suit with tie.

circa 1890

Caption on the front of the image reads "Susan and Travis Ellison. The Grandchildren increase regardless of high taxes. Seasons Greetings From the Alfred Ellisons, 1951."


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