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View of cotton bales stacked on rail cars


John Bustin, of the Austin American-Statesman, chats with Jim Maloy at the 60th anniversary of the IATSE. Other people are mingling in the background.


Two women are on the balcony at the Millet Opera house. They are dressed in 1890s clothing with large hats.


Portrait of Sally Shipman. She wears a suede jacket and a white silk scarf tied at her neck.

circa 1984

Distant view of St. John Orphanage while on fire, with dark clouds of smoke in 1956. The three-story, stone building was built in North Austin to home over 300 orphan girls and a two-story frame building for a boys' dormitory.


Group of women sitting around table. Large book and ashtray on table.


Portrait of Mr. Groos, former Land Office Commissioner


Adams, Fred W., Sr.

circa 1930

Dr. James M. Coleman with his wife Wilma and daughter. Dr. James M. Coleman was a Travis County physician who, in 1953, began researching the history of medical science in Travis County for his book titled, "Aesculapius on the Colorado". He died in 1960.

Beer trucks belonging to the Lightsey Carroll Company Distribution stand at the ready to deliver beer to thirsty Austinites. The Capitol building is featured in the background.


Portrait of Walter E. Davis taken outside. Mr. Davis is seen from the waist up and wears a suit coat, vest, and tie.


Isamu Taniguchi standing on a bridge


Note on back reads - "Donor - Hupperman estate"


A group of children are sitting in chairs in the Carver Branch Library at story time in 1953. There are three female adults standing behind them.


Elisabet Ney (center) with Anita and Clarence Miller at the Miller Home.

circa 1895

Taken at petmecky's, 3rd and Congress, 1901. Standing L to R: Tony Blomeke, Jack Bohls, Contact AHC, Theo Bohls, Contact AHC. Middle: Hannick (?) Spillman


Three men in suits at a podium at a theatrical stage union event; one is shaking hands with another and one is C.A. Rowley looking at a watch he has received.


Black-and-white photograph of an empty Sixth Street taken during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Graduates of the second non-college pilots training school, sponsored by the Austin Chamber of Commerce in 1939 and 1940. L to R: Mrs. Robert Browning, N. H. Wittner, R. R. Barnett, A. N. McCallum, and Max H. Bickler.


Group portrait during a Christmas dinner at the Carter residence. Left to Right: C.E. Carter, W.D. Craig, Sr., Mrs. W.D. Craig, Mr. Breed, Mrs. Breed, Lewis Bracey. Front row: W.D. Craig, Jr. holding Dick Carter, Dorothy Craig, and Emily Carter.

circa 1923

Bust portrait of a Saadi A. Ferris wearing suit, tie, and eyeglasses.

circa 1930

Exterior view of Congregation Beth Israel in Austin, Texas


View of trash in water under a bridge, including tires and other car parts.


Portrait of Col. John F. Marshall, commander, 4th Texas Volunteer Infantry Regiment, C.S.A.; Chairman, Texas State Democratic Committee (and convention); Editor and publisher, Texas State Gazette, Austin, Texas

circa 1860

Portrait of city council member Betty J. Himmelblau.

circa 1970

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