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An illustration of the city of Austin about 1839 or 1841.


Copy of Illustration of the new capital of Texas in 1840.


City of Austin, The New Capital of Texas in 1844. Reproduced from "Texas in 1840 or the Emigrant's Guide to the New Republic."


Copied by Robert Reich, December 1863; copied by Waller K Boggs, December 1931; Traced by Henry S. Parkinson and Melvin K. Roberts, March 26, 1947


IIllustration of Austin about 1839 or 1841. Copied from print in book "Austin Yesterday and Today". Call number: A 976.411 AU76J. Back of title page. Daughters of the Republic of Texas owns the original artwork.

circa 1840

Copy of drawing of early Austin made by Edward Hall. Original sketch in: old and fragile collection, Item 1


Bernhardt Wall's illustration, copied from "following General Houston," shows exterior of wooden cabin style building with Texas flag on roof. The caption includes the title and also reads, "Collection of the Kinkaid School, Houston."


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