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Rep. Lena Guerrero, D-Austin, debates legislation that could affect the makeup of the Texas Department of Agriculture.


An employee of Whole Foods Market on Lamar Boulevard surveys the damage caused by a flash flood on May 24, 1981. Items have been removed from the store in an effort to identify what is salvagable and to clean out a layer of mud left inside the building.


Jackie Gerber, of Austin, tries skiing behind a car on the first snowfall in several years. About 3-4 inches fell in the area, causing the clcosing of schools and many businesses. The modified water skies used by Gerber didn't do too well on the dry snow.


"Rudy Casanon, 'El Porvenir', tells the uses of some of his 140 medicinal herbs (rear) that he carries in his small East Austin store, May 31, 1978. Castanon says he has herbs to cure anything from an upset stomach to a failing sex life." This image was created by Bob Thomas for United Press International


Rep. Wilhelmina Delco, Austin, prepares to debate the State employees pay raise bill on the house floor. Delco is one of the House sponsors of the Senate passed bill.


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