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Representative Sarah Weddington resigns to become chief counsel to the U.S. Agriculture Department under President Jimmy Carter.


Lowell Henry Lebermann at a press conference. He sits at a desk, wearing his iconic eyepatch, speaking into three microphones, labelled "36," "KVET," and "KLP."


Representative Lena Guerrero announces the introduction of two cave protection bills. One bill will provide better protection for cave owners, caves and cave life, and the other will protect public groundwater.


Jordan is shown during a press release at LBJ School of Public Affairs. She denied reports that she has an uncurable bone disease. The Dallas Morning News reported about the alleged disease on Jan. 17 (the day before).


"Texas Treasurer, at a Capitol news conference, cited a new Lew Harris poll stating that Walter Mondale has come to within nine percentage points of Pres. Ronald Reagan. Richards is a key participant in a State-wide effort to register women voters."


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